Breathe Youth runs two clubs for children and young people that provide a range of activities including crafts, games and other experiences.
Using themes such as Bible characters, Christian values or topical issues our clubs provide the opportunity to explore faith and other important issues in a creative and fun way. We welcome all children and young people whether they have a faith or not.
Based in the Forest of Dean we are able to enjoy the outdoors and take advantage of our wonderful surroundings, as well as go on excursions from time to time.
Youth Club is the one thing I look forward to
Club Member
Junior Club
For children aged 7-11 years (School years 3-6)
Bream Community Centre
Mondays from 6.00 – 7.30pm
School terms only

For young people aged 11-16 years (School years 7-11)
Bream Community Centre
Fridays from 7.30 – 9.00pm
School terms only